Welcome, friends. Come on in.
I miss the lost art of visiting. I miss stopping by to see people without agenda or purpose. I miss running over to a neighbor’s because you have some fresh tomatoes to share or a mess of squash that needs to be turned into a casserole.
I miss having people roll up into the yard and Mama unflinchingly making a pot of coffee and slicing a fresh pound cake.
One doesn’t send a meeting invite for visiting. There’s no need to RSVP.
Thanks for visiting A Chick’s View – the door isn’t locked, just shut the screen so that the flies stay out and rest a bit. Hopefully, our universes will align and for a moment you will feel a kindred, cool breeze on the porch swing.
Other pubs with my writing:
- American Songwriter Magazine
- Bellevue Literary Review
- Carolina Woman Magazine
- Carteret Arts Council Ekphrastic Poetry Journal
- Carteret Arts Council Poetry Prize
- Flying South Literary Journal
- Lexington Life Magazine
- North Carolina Literary Review
- Tin Can Literary Review
- Winter Hauntings – EPIC Carteret
Bricks & Crayons
Emily Carter2024-10-23T14:31:06-04:00October 23, 2024|chicks|